Natural Environment
Naree Budjong Djara National Park
Currently about 50 per cent of North Stradbroke Island is protected as Naree Budjong Djara National Park. The Quandamooka people are the Traditional Owners of Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island). They welcome visitors to Naree Budjong Djara ‘My Mother Earth’ and ask that you respect this special place.
The National Parks on Minjerribah are managed under Joint Management Agreements between the Quandamooka people, and the State Government.
Flora of North Stradbroke Island
Our Camping Grounds are home to a wide variety of native flora and fauna. Koalas are regularly spotted in our gum trees, and kangaroos can be seen on the beaches almost daily. We also have a variety of rare and threatened marine and terrestrial species that call the Island home. We encourage guests to observe and enjoy these amazing creatures, but ask them only to look and not touch or feed the native wildlife. This leads to animals becoming dependent on unnatural food sources and can lead to disease, unbalancing the natural population and nuisance behaviour from animals that would otherwise fend for themselves. To protect the wildlife, domestic pets are not permitted within the formal camping grounds. In the Flinders Beach and Main Beach camping areas, dogs are permitted but must be on a lead at all times.
Minjerribah Camping supports research undertaken by local students, undergraduates and the scientific community, and has a commitment to maintaining and restoring wildlife habitats going forward.
The dominant plant living on the exposed frontal dunes is the grey creeping grass, and other creepers include the guinea flower, goat’s foot and pigface. The pandanus and coast she-oak grow on some exposed dunes and at Point Lookout. The coast banksia grows in some exposed areas in a stunted form, deformed by the winds.
The high dunes support tall open forests, dominated by eucalypts, with a well- developed understory of grasses and shrubs. Other trees of the open forests include the smooth-barked apple, she-oaks and cypress-pines. Smaller trees and shrubs include several wattles or acacias and the wallum and coastal banksias.
Mangroves occupy the inter-tidal zone along the western side of the Island. While initially it appears that mangrove tress are a monoculture there are about seven different mangrove species, dominated by the grey mangrove. Areas of muddy sand adjacent to the mangroves support several species of seagrass – an important food source for native fauna.
Fauna of North Stradbroke Island
The fauna of North Stradbroke Island is profuse – and benefits from its island location, lack of large predators (eg dingoes) and marine based as well as terrestrial habitats. Some 18 species of native land mammals occur on the Island, including the swamp wallaby, the grey kangaroo and the relict agile wallaby. The echidna, bridled bandicoot, brush-tailed possum and koala are widely distributed, while the grey-headed flying fox seasonally concentrates on flowering trees and fruit.
Since the closure of the whaling station on Moreton Island in 1962, the number of migrating humpback whales that can be seen between June & October has increased. Dolphins are common, both offshore and in Moreton Bay. Green turtles and loggerhead turtles can be seen in Moreton Bay or in the off-shore waters near Point Lookout. Dugong feed on the seagrasses of Moreton Bay and may occasionally be seen as they come up to breathe.
260 species of birds have been recorded on North Stradbroke Island. These include a variety of sea-birds, raptors, waders and nectar-eaters, and the Australian icon the kookaburra.
Reptiles include 16 species of snakes, a variety of lizards and the long-necked tortoise that frequents permanent swamps and lakes and is the only land tortoise present.
Minjerribah Recreation Area
Queensland has seven recreation areas established under the Recreation Areas Management Act 2006. In recreation areas, nature-based recreation is encouraged but carefully planned and managed to protect these places for conservation. The Recreation Management Act 2006, outlines best practice whilst in a Recreation Area as well as the penalties that apply for non-compliance.
The Minjerribah Recreation Area on North Stradbroke Island covers the camping grounds, beach camping areas and beaches that allow four-wheel driving. It is managed under the Recreation Areas Management Act 2006.
The Minjerribah Recreation Area on North Stradbroke Island covers the following sites:
- Adams Beach, Bradbury’s Beach, Amity Point, Adder Rock, Home Beach and Cylinder Beach Camping Grounds.
- The designated beach camping areas at Flinders Beach and Main Beach.
- The foreshores at Flinders Beach and Main Beach.
Make sure that you have a 4WD Permit if you plan to drive on the beaches or camp in any of the camping grounds. Permits can be purchased on the Straddie Camping website, or at our offices in Dunwich, Amity Point, Adder Rock or Cylinder Beach. Camping is not permitted in any other area on North Stradbroke Island.
You may bring your dog with you when you camp in the beach camping areas. There is a limit of 2 dogs per campsite, and dogs must be on a lead and under control at all times.
Even if you are just enjoying a day at the beach, the Recreation Areas Management (RAM) regulations apply, so you should keep informed. Rangers patrol the beaches and beach camping areas to ensure that people do the right thing. They also make sure that the Island’s foreshores, dune systems, bushland and freshwater systems are cared for to maintain not only their scenic appeal, but also to protect the Island’s unique natural and Aboriginal cultural heritage.
Caring for the Environment
Minjerribah Camping has a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan focusing on nature-based, low impact camping. We have a program of rehabilitation and maintenance in place, which ensures that adverse environmental impacts are minimised.
Minjerribah Camping’s commitment to nature conservation has been recognised with the accreditation, Advanced Eco Certification and Respecting Our Culture Certification by peak environmental body Ecotourism Australia.
We have undertaken an ambitious project to gradually replace the current flora, with local native species in all our Camping Grounds. This not only ensures that the Camping Grounds are aesthetically pleasing, but are perfect habitat for the native fauna, and require less maintenance as they are the plants that belong and are best suited to the area.
Water & Waste Management
Minjerribah Camping has a comprehensive Water and Waste Management Plan for our business. Recycling stations are provided for all guests. All toilets are dual flush, and showers all have water saving showerheads. Hot water is distributed through a timer mechanism which encourages hot showers of no longer than 5 minutes.
Climate Change and Minjerribah
Campers on Minjerribah are lucky enough to enjoy nature in the pristine state mother nature intended: fishing in crystal clear water, driving down spotless, golden beaches and camping in bushland that some of Australia’s cutest native wildlife call home.
To allow future generations of campers to create their own memories, we need to consider potential threats to this delicate environment, including Climate Change.
Minjerribah Camping endorses the research and policies produced by the Redland City Council, Confronting Our Climate Future: A strategy to 2030, which incorporates Council’s Corporate Climate Change Policy and also the Climate and Energy Action Plan 2010 -2015. You can also find out how the Redland City Council plans to manage and adapt to Climate Change.